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Tummy Tuck

Posted by in Post Surgical Garments on April 12, 2019 . 0 Comments.


What is a tummy tuck procedure?


Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat and skin in the abdominal area of the body. This aims to make it smoother and firmer while restoring separated and weakened muscles.


Tummy Tuck - What is it and how does it work?



Who should undergo this surgery?


Those who wish to have a flat and well-toned abdomen, but are unable to achieve this goal even after exercise and weight control, are qualified to have a Tummy Tuck surgery. This is mostly due to the following factors:

  • Significant fluctuations in weight
  • Prior surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Heredity
  • Aging



What not to expect from an abdominoplasty


If you think that this cosmetic surgery is a replacement for an appropriate exercise or weight loss program; then you are wrong. It is not a substitute for any of these. An Abdominoplasty cannot correct stretch marks, but some of it may be removed when areas of excess skin are removed.

Moreover, if you have to know that this is technically permanent so if you have weight fluctuations, it is better to first consult about this operation with your doctor. Those who are also planning to undergo future pregnancies may refrain from undergoing a Tummy Tuck surgery, too.


Who are the probable candidates?


Not everyone who wishes to have an tummy tuck can proceed with it. According to American Society of Plastic Surgeons, It is important for him or her to pass the possible qualifications:

  • Individual with realistic goals
  • Physically healthy person with stable weight
  • Non-smoker
  • Embarrassed by his or her abdominal appearance



How much does a tummy tuck cost?


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon 2018 survey, the average cost of a tummy tuck in the United States was about $6,253. This price is only related to plastic surgeon direct fees. To know the total cost of a tummy tuck procedure, you should include all other operating room costs.

The cost of a tummy tuck in Canada ranges from $6,000 to $15,000. Although this range is an estimate and is based solely on the information posted on the websites of some plastic surgeon.


What justifies price difference?


Tummy tuck price depends on many factors:

  1. Type of tummy tuck procedure: is it a mini or full tummy tuck? Or, a mommy makeover?
  2. Plastic surgeon premium: the cost of an abdominoplasty procedure would depend also on your surgeon experience and reputation.
  3. Your geographic location.
  4. Operation room fees.
  5. Post surgical compression garments after tummy tuck cost.


Does insurance pays for tummy tuck cost?


Generally, a typical insurance policy does not cover any tummy tuck cost. In some cases, it will cover a Panniculectomy procedure.



Additional things you should know about this surgery


Aside from the above information, these facts about this cosmetic surgery may help you to decide whether a tummy tuck is right for you.


It won't make you drop your weight


If you think that an abdominoplasty will help you to lose weight, well it is not the case! You may lose just a couple of pounds, but it shouldn't be thought of as a weight loss procedure. It is more of a belly contouring procedure.


You'll have different types of scars


Your scar will vary depending on the type of tummy tuck and where the procedure is needed. Nevertheless, it is most likely to appear in the hip to hip section, as well as the belly button because it has to be relocated.

If it requires a very little incision, then the cut may be placed just below the belly button. This makes the scar just a little longer than a Cesarean cut.


You won't be able to do many stuff during the first week after recovery


After the surgery, you will not be able to perform many things. So ensure you have someone to assist you.

Never attempt to lift objects, especially if it is more than 10 pounds for the first month.


What to do before a tummy tuck?


If you are qualified and ready to undergo a tummy tuck, before undergoing your surgery you may follow the below steps:

  1. First thing to do is to find a qualified plastic surgeon. Be sure to choose a certified surgeon with a proven Abdominoplasty experience.
  2. Discuss with your doctor about your expectations regarding this cosmetic surgery.
  3. During your first appointments, be sure to ask all your questions about the procedure.


Typical questions to ask about tummy tuck:


Below is a list of typical questions to ask before a tummy tuck:

  • What type of tummy tuck does your cosmetic surgeon recommend? There are three common types of tummy tuck procedures: Mini, Classic or Full tummy tuck, and Extended tummy tuck.
  • How to prepare yourself before the surgery?
  • How it works? Cost, what happens before and during the procedure, post surgery recovery, etc.


Just before your surgery:

Typically, before an abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon would ask you among other things to:

  • Undergo a medical evaluation
  • Perform a lab test
  • Do not use anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin and herbal supplements as they may cause bleeding
  • Quit smoking

You should also note that for safety purpose, an Abdominoplasty should be performed in an hospital or a licensed ambulatory surgical center only.



How does a tummy tuck work?


These are the following steps performed by your cosmetic surgeon during this surgery:


Full Tummy Tuck vs Mini Tummy Tuck


General anesthesia and intravenous sedation


This is important prior to tummy tuck surgery, as it will help you feel more comfortable during operation. However, please seek the advice of your doctor with regards to the best choice of anesthesia procedure to use on you.




Now that your body is ready for the surgery, a horizontal incision will be made in the area between your belly button and your pubic hairline. The length and shape of this incision will be dependent on the amount of excess skin that will be removed during the surgery. Here, the abdominal skin is lifted while the abdominal muscles, which are weakened are repaired.

As needed, another incision around your navel has to be performed to remove the excess skin in this area. After this is performed, the skin on the upper section of your abdomen is pulled down and the excess skin is trimmed.

What happens to the belly button?

A new belly button is fashioned. It is popped through the surface and carefully put into position.


The incisions are closed


The skin incision is now closed via skin adhesives, tapes, clip or sutures.


Seeing the results


You will now see a firmer and flatter abdomen with a contour that is more proportionate to your body weight and type.



What are the risks?


These are the risks you need to consider when undergoing an abdominoplasty

  • Anesthesia application risks
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma) and infection
  • Pour wound healing, prolonged swelling and skin discoloration
  • Numbness and other skin sensation irregularity
  • Bleeding, asymmetry, persistent pain
  • Recurrent looseness of skin and unfavorable scarring
  • Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary and cardiac complications
  • Skin loss and possibility of a revisional surgery
  • Suboptimal aesthetic result and fat necrosis

Source: American Society of Plastic Surgeons.



What to do after a tummy tuck?


After the tummy tuck surgery, you will need to apply dressings and bandages on your incisions. This may be wrapped in a post surgical tummy tuck compression garment.

A compression garment after tummy tuck is important during first weeks of recovery because it helps to minimize the swelling while supporting your abdomen during the healing process.

At times, small thin tubes have to be placed under the skin to drain the excess fluid and blood that may be collected. Thus it is important for you to listen to the instructions that will be given to you by your plastic surgeon. This includes:

  • Caring for your surgical drains and site
  • Which type of post surgical compression garments to use during stage 1 and stage 2 recovery after tummy tuck?
  • Follow-up schedule with your plastic surgeon
  • Medications that is both applied orally or topically
Last update: April 15, 2019


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